A couple of years ago I heard about a site called
tastebook where you can store your recipes online and share them with friends. I loved the idea and signed right up. I've been uploading recipes ever since and now especially with an overseas move, it's making life easier. In the past, I've lost recipe cards, stained pages of cookbooks...etc. Now I just need a laptop or my iPod touch to complete a dish! My photo-taking husband has been jumping in with his fancy camera so I can even upload pictures of my dishes to my site.
The best thing about
tastebook is that if I could get 10 friends to sign up with them, they'd print out an actual cookbook of 50 recipes of my choice and send it to me. I recently hit the 10 mark and they made good on their promise and in just a few days, I should be receiving my very own tastebook book! Here are just a few sneak peaks at my recipes: